Who We Are
At Wikibrandreviews, we offer practical, real-life tips and inspiration to help you make your best home. From decorating and gardening advice, to entertaining and home repair how-to, Wikibrandreviews can show you how.
We help more than 32 million users each month find the information they need to retile their bathroom, update their decor, grow their garden, or simply tackle a to-do list. Our 20-year-strong library of more than 14,000 pieces of content helps you.
Our 45+ expert writers—including professional contractors, landscapers, chefs, cookbook authors, registered vet technicians, and well known crafting bloggers—have extensive backgrounds and expertise in their topics. We are also wholly committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Review Boards
We know that finding trustworthy advice online can be difficult—the internet is full of misinformation or personal opinion masquerading as fact. To make caring for your home and garden easier, we launched Wikibrandreviews Gardening and Plant Care Review Board, Wikibrandreviews Home Improvement Board, and Wikibrandreviews Cleaning Review Board, comprised of licensed and certified field experts. Our goal is to provide you with well-researched, fact-checked information so you can keep your home and garden in its best possible shape.
The Review Process
You may notice a badge appearing in some of our content. The badge signifies that a board member has reviewed and edited the article, taking special care to confirm that the information presented is both accurate and up-to-date. Click the links below to learn more about our process.